Contact Us
There are several ways to contact Oasis Counseling Center, LLC
Phone: (706) 543-3522
FAX: (706) 543-3523
If you reach our voicemail, please know that it is a voicemail only accessible by Oasis Counseling Center staff.
OCC staff will make every effort to return your phone call or email within 1-2 business days. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
For general information about Oasis Counseling Center and our services please email our Administrative Assistant, Maggie:
706-543-3522, choose option 1
If you are an established client and have specific questions about your account balance or insurance questions, please email our Office Manager & Billing Specialist, Paige:
706-543-3522, choose option 3
Careers, Partnerships, & Business Related inquiries
If you're interested in working with Oasis Counseling Center in a professional capacity, such as interning, employment, sponsorship, etc. please email your resume/information and introduction to
Oasis Counseling Center, LLC
1720 Lexington Rd
Suite A
Athens, GA 30605
If you have a mental health emergency, please contact 911.
If you have a domestic violence related concern, please contact Project Safe, Inc.'s 24-hour hotline at (706) 543-3331.
If you have experienced sexual assault or are concerned about someone who has, please contact The Cottage's hotline at 1-877-363-1912.